Monday, March 2, 2009

---->DaVaughn made some great pointers in her blog<----

I thought that DaVaughn made some great points in her most recent blog. It is true that people can be ugly on the outside and be the sweetest person on the inside. I also think it was very insensitive of Aisha to call Nadira fat. I think that was very un-supportive of her to say that. Good job DaVaughn for getting all these important points! ^_^


  1. True-- that was not the most supportive thing that Aisha has ever said. Here's a question for you: what is Aisha's motivation? Why does she say mean things to Nadira? Is she just a mean person? Or is there more to it...?

  2. I think that Aisha is rude to Nadira because she is really stressed out about getting into colleges especially since she probably won't go to the college she wants so she vents her anger on Nadira.
