Friday, March 13, 2009

AMNQ #8 ------>(THIS IS THE ONE TO COMMENT ON!)<------

"After that, something shifts between Aisha and me. It's like she's opened the door and wriggled over to let me into her private little world."
-Page 90

Yes! Finally the two sisters are coming together! I'm so glad because these girls are really starting to work together to solve their problems. Also, I feel like Aisha will really need support later in the chapter from Nadira because her spirits just keep seeming to fall lower and lower and I do NOT want her to give up the fight. I think that it feels like as Aisha is becoming more and more gloomy and depressed, Nadira doesn't really do a lot to help cheer her up. I think that she could try a little harder instead of just sitting on the side and watching, which isn't doing that much help. I also feel like Aisha is starting to open her eyes. I think she's starting to realize that she may not be able to get to college unless they start solving their current problems so she is getting to work right away. I am very glad that the two sisters are starting to work together. What do you guys think? Are the sisters going to keep working smoothly together or is something bad going to happen and is one of them going to explode? Please share your ideas...


  1. really good post
    i agree with you for most of it, except for that nadira isn't trying to do anything. i think she would, but she can't either because Aisha won't let her in or she just has no clue how to make her (aisha) feel better.
    it's kind of sad that aisha seems to be falling apart at the edges a bit and nadira is getting it together more, like they're reversing roles. doesn't nadira actually say that she feels like the elder one?

  2. I don’t think Aisha is going to recover. There are many clues in this chapter that she is going to give up the fight. She tried too hard on her appearance, and then seemed to stop taking showers regularly. She was being too hard on herself, and was crying at night and having bad dreams. She even seemed to stopped going to her after school activities, became obsessed with studying that might have no benefits, was being odd around her friends, and frozen/stared at her Uncle when he came back home from the jail. Nadira said, “Every day is a piece of rubber stretched so tight it’s going to snap.” I think she meant it applied to the whole picture, but in my mind it applies mainly to her sister. Like Ari said, I think Nadira is trying to help her sister, but doesn’t know how. It doesn’t seem like they are coming together—only Aisha is her own little sad world growing far apart from her family school, dreams, and Nadira is reaching out and trying to help.

  3. I completely agree with you Falcon...Aisha is DEFINATELY going to give up the fight and i liked the way that you noticed so many clues in the text, i hadn't noticed all of that... O.o Also thanks to Ari, for the pointers in your comment...very helpful indeed

  4. Very nice work Samara. I, like Ari, agree with most of it. I think that Nadira is trying her hardest to bring her sister back up on her feet, but Nadira has no clue what to do to help. We do know, though, that Nadira has been "accepted" into Aisha's own little world. But it is sad that Aisha is now falling apart. Also, Falcon, you noticed a ton of stuff in this chapter that I hadn't seen! I think you are right, Aisha is most probably going to give up the fight. It makes the most sense at the moment....Very good work Samara! Lots of good points!

  5. I agree with Falcon, although it would be nice if she didn't Aisha will most likely give up. She might not even go to college (she isn't the back cover of the book says so:D) actually
    I really like the sentence you choose Samara, it really reflects on what the chapter was about, the sisters coming together.
    Nice Job,

  6. I agree with you on most of it. I'm glad that they're working together finally. I also agree with Ari though, I don't think Nadira isn't doing anything. I think she is doing the best she can. They definitely seem to be switching roles. Nadira becoming more confident and Aisha slipping away. And on Sofia's point I'm not sure if i think Aisha is going to recover or not....It's possible.

  7. It seems like Aisha is in the middle of the situation: she could either lose it all and give up on the fight, or she could regain her confidence and work hard on the fight. I have a feeling that she might start to regain her confidence, but then maybe something else will happen where she looses what she regained....What do you guys think she might do??

  8. I really liked your post Samara! You do make a good point when you said that Aisha would end up supporting Nadira. I agree with that. I liked the sentence you piked out because it makes it seem like Aisha is finally seeing her sister as a person that is equal to her. I also agree with falcon. I think that Aisha will give up and that Nadira will be the one to pull them all through this mess.

  9. Great Job Samara! I agree with what you said about how Aisha is finally opening her eyes to the situation. I really like what Falcon said about “Every day is a piece of rubber stretched so tight it’s going to snap.” applying to the whole problem not just the one at hand. I also really liked what Puja said when she said that she thought Aisha is going to start to regain her confidence. But what if she has to sink lower before confidence is regained? And like what Puja said, what happens if she looses what has been regained.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yeah Aisha seems like a mess. Maybe in the short term it would be good for Aisha to recover, go to school and help Nadira solve the problem; but maybe its good that she is falling apart so Nadira can take charge, get things done and rebuild her confidence about school and in general, and her family. It is really sad that Aisha is giving up, especially on school because she is so smart, and has a great chance for going to a great college, and her father had worked so hard to earn the money. Her giving up on education is frightening and sad to the reader because… Aisha has great potential, but it she made it all slip away…

  12. Ari said that

    "it's kind of sad that aisha seems to be falling apart at the edges a bit and nadira is getting it together more, like they're reversing roles. doesn't nadira actually say that she feels like the elder one?"

    and i agree. sometimes when people have a close relationship, it's as though they can never be on the same level. People always seem to be the opposites of each other. It's what keeps the world balanced.

  13. I agree with katy and ari. Aisha's seems do really seem to be tearing

  14. I agree with Falcon. Aisha seems like a complete mess. I literally think that, that bold person that we used to know, completely shattered. It seems as though she were hit by reality. Everything isn't as easy at it seems to me, or as easy as Aisha wants it to be. I really don't want her to lose hope though, because I feel and we all know it...that Aisha has great potential and can be really bold. I want Nadira to do something! I don't know what, like many said...I don't think Nadira knows how to help her sister exactly. I wonder what she'll be planing to do. What are the different options that she has to offer? Hmm...great blog post Samara. And props to Falcon for noticing the clues that gave away Aisha's status.

  15. I'm quoting zucky, who quoted falcon-

    “Every day is a piece of rubber stretched so tight it’s going to snap.”

    May i simply say- very nicely worded? It does seem to be a very accurate transcription of their day to day life is. They can barely plan for the future, sometimes not even for the rest of the day. At times, they are reduced to concentrating their efforts on getting through each minute.

  16. I agree with everyone,

    Everyone has made some really good points and so have you. Some people thought the book was going to go down hill but you have to have faith and it will bring you hope and it did for Nadira and Aisha. Hopefully It will continue on the same path. But for those of you that have siblings older are younger, you know how things work out. One second awesome and running smoothly the next fighting over something worthless. I believe they will have some falls but helping each other out will help a lot. Great Job!


  17. I agree with all of you!
    Samara you made some really great points in your blog. I really liked how you talked about how the two sisters were starting to work together. But I disagree with you on the fact that Nadira isn't doing anything to help Aisha. I get where you are coming from, and I see what you are seeing, but Nadira is helping Aisha by just being there. Before Nadira was just in the shadows and Aisha was the boss and I don't really think that Aisha liked being the boss of Nadira. I think that Aisha was just doing it because she was so so so so so smart and she needed the attention. Aisha is one of those people who feed off of the human mind. She needs the attention or she will freak.
    Ari made a really good point, "it's kind of sad that aisha seems to be falling apart at the edges a bit and nadira is getting it together more, like they're reversing roles." I totally agree with you! It is like they are switching roles, but I'm not so sure it is a good thing.
    Great Job Samara!

  18. Great Points Celste,

    You opened my mind to think a little differently. I see where you are coming from about Nadira not being there. Her being there is loving enough, but it is going to take sometime for them to develop a better more solid relationship since they are always snapping at one another. Good Job Celeste!


  19. Pointers,

    I also agree that the sisters are kind of switching roles. Hopefully it doesn't become a disaster. They are different young ladies that are finding who they are.


  20. Thanks DaVaughn. Who are the pointers for? I'm glad you agree with me. Thanks for explaining it better. It made sense in my head but I couldn't explain it in words. :D

  21. Yeah, I too agree with you guys. It does seem like the two sisters are kinda switching roles.....I wonder what will happen next!!

  22. I agree with Katy, Ari, Zucky, and Falcon. Aisha is really starting to lose her grip on herself. She seems to be slipping away from the spotlight as Nadira is drifting towards center stage. I also agree with the fact that Nadira and Aisha are going to become really close by the end of this book.

  23. i agree with you all! i think Aisha is just crumpling and trying to hold on. Nadira is (or should be) trying to help her sister hold on and try to get every one out of the mess but she really needs to be helped to.

  24. i also agree. Aisha is losing it. I feel sad for her, but she's not doing anything about it. And Nadira is trying to be nice too.

  25. I don't completely agree with what Puja said, the sisters don't really seem to be switching roles to me. Aisha was never really supportive before...and Nadira always seemed to be the kind one. So no. I don't think that they are switching roles, I just think that Aisha is taking Nadira's role of putting herself down with the negative qualities and Nadira is just being physically supportive. Although at this one point, she was sort of angry when she figured out that Aisha was using her, she was angry. But Nadira takes on the positive role here. She's being supportive, and thats nothing that what Aisha used to be.
