Wednesday, March 4, 2009

AMNQ # 4

""What are you taking about Aisha? I whisper hotly. "You and your perfect little scores and your perfect little this and that? Who cares if your valedictorian? You're not going to college! You're not going anywhere!"
Aisha looks as though I socked her in the chest."
-Chapter 6, page 52

Wow! Nadira really stepped out of her shell there! I think it seemed like the emotions about her sister was building up till Aisha started talking about being valedictorian and then Nadira got really fed up and her tolerance was gone! I won't deny that it was a little harsh of her to say this, but after all of the BS Aisha gives her about her weight, I think that Aisha really deserved it! I also think that Nadira realized she hit something when Aisha acted as though she was "socked in the chest." I really think it was good that Nadira proved to Aisha that she can stand up for herself. What do you guys think? Was it really mean and awful of Nadira to insult Aisha? Or was it good, because she is sticking up for herself? Please write a response, I am interested to know what you guys thought...

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